
No more green pools!

PoolSense Smart Pool Monitor

PoolSense Smart Pool Monitor and App

Monitors your pool & spa water quality 24/7 and sends intelligent alerts directly to the PoolSense app on your smartphone.

PoolSense Smart Pool Monitor and App

Monitors your pool & spa water quality 24/7 and sends intelligent alerts directly to the PoolSense app on your smartphone.

PoolSense Smart Pool Monitor

Why do you need PoolSense Smart Pool Monitor?


Save time and Money
View pool status anytime
Simple and easy to use

Keep your pool blue, balanced and healthy the hassle-free way!

PoolSense sends daily recommendations to your smartphone with helpful indications of chlorine and acid levels. Helping you keep your pool blue and crystal clear. You can confidently enjoy your pool with your family knowing your water is pleasant, balanced and safe.
Fast and Easy

No installation. Just drop the device in your pool and finish with the easy setup process on the app.

Extended Battery Life

Minimum 12 months. No charging required.

Power efficient LPWAN

Low power WAN technology has coverage virtually anywhere

Spy on your pool

Keep an eye on your pool from anywhere in the world.

PoolSense for Your Hot Tub and Spa

It’s not only pool owners who get to enjoy the amazing, game-changing benefits of owning a PoolSense device.

PoolSense works perfectly in your hot tub or spa. If you have struggled with cloudy or green hot tub water, you know the secret to maintaining your spa or hot tub is cleaner water and this all comes down to testing the water and keeping track of changes. This is exactly what PoolSense does for you! No more hassle. Of course, you still need to make sure you do the basics of maintaining your spa, like cleaning the spa filter, clean, drain, and refill every 3-4 months. Ensure that you add enough water to keep your spa full and air out the spa cover at least once per week. Testing, tracking, and micro-dosing really is key to enjoying a clean, healthy spa.
How It Works

You can now check on your spa from anywhere and know instantly if the water is balanced and healthy.  You can easily ensure the optimum temperature is kept. PoolSense works with an app on your smartphone and measures key water parameters like chlorine (Oxidation Reduction Potential), pH, and temperature.

The App

The app will send smart notifications to your phone if you need to take action. For example, if your spa water test results show that your spa needs more chlorine, the notification will inform you and suggest adding 1 cup of chlorine to your spa as soon as possible. These micro-doses keep your water balanced and healthy and keep any bacteria or algae from growing in the water. No installation needed, just drop the device in your hot tub or spa and finish with the easy setup process on the app. The battery has a 2 year lifetime so there is no need to charge it, it really is designed to make your life easier.

See how your spa’s water quality fluctuates over time by accessing your spa’s daily, weekly, and monthly graphs.

Our team is available to assist you and help make owning a spa a pleasure again.

Home Automation
Integrate PoolSense with your home automation system. ProAutomation strives to bring innovative, smart, simple solutions to the connected IoT homes. Home Assistant is one of the great home automation systems that have already added PoolSense to their integrations with great success. By automating your spa water testing, you can have all your home automation appliances in one place, making life that much easier. PoolSense publishes data to the cloud via Sigfox in timed intervals so no need for wifi or Bluetooth connectivity.


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